Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day Ten Through Twelve

Days 10, 11 and 12. Well none were quite as productive as previous days have been.

My final word count was 20,057 at the end of Day 12. I think I finally closed my eyes a little after midnight.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Day Nine

Day 9 was a horrible addition to Nano history. I doubt I've ever written so few words in my life.

At the end of it, my word count was sitting at 16,101 words. Dreadful.

Day Eight

Day 8 saw me reach 16,052, some 661 words shy of my own personal goal of 1,700 words per day. Ack!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day Seven

Day 7 saw me reach 15,013, right before eleven pm after cramming around 1,900 words into the span of an hour and a half. Never doing that again.

Day Six

Day 6 saw me reach 13,032 words, and surprisingly the story seems to be going along rather nicely, and its looking more and more like I could have enough planned to see me through to 50k.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day Five

Well Day 5 saw me reach 11,206 words. I didn't make my 1,700 word, word count as my little boy was sick. Hubby and I spent the majority of yesterday trying to make him better and prevent him from vomiting.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

10,026 Words

Just made it with minutes to spare. Go me!

Day Four

Day 4 is rapidly drawing to a close, and I'm currently sitting on 9779 words, and looking to reach 10,000 by the end of it.

Fingers crossed.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day Three

Well Day Three is over half way through, and my word count stands at, 6,840. Which is a nice comfy word count, I think. Looking to hit 7,000 words by the end of today, which will probably be nice and easy, no doubt.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Day Two

Well Day 2 is going well. I have written, 5,137 words, and am probably done for the day. That is if I can't get anymore done around 7 tonight. We shall see.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day One

My running total so far, is 2,744 words. I'm hoping to hit 3,000 words by the end of today, or possible more.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Three Days And Counting

Well there's three days to go, and only now am I getting back into the swing of planning, having had to abandon it largely two weeks ago. Not to mention there is a lot of unfinished ideas and things floating around in my outline, things I've barely had a chance to look over. I think a lot of writing and planning will be done on the fly this year. I wonder if at the end of November, I'll even have a story that makes sense?

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well everything is still currently a little up in the air as to whether, I can attempt the 50,000 word challenge in November. While I have Lilia, as inspiration suddenly, I'm not sure, I should be doing this. But we'll see.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dragon Shapeshifters

Ah hah. I just love it when things come together. Just come to me, what Tanis is, and why the Dragons, in last years novel would have been keen to take her in and care for her. Now to trace the lineage back a little.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Whew! Finally sorted out my genealogical glitch that I found. Two very similar family trees only half finished for the human side of my novel. Granted it seemed a lot more confusing then it actually was. Thank God.

Like I've said previously, it's all coming together, albiet a little slowly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Prophecy

Yes, there is a prophecy featured in my novel. Admittedly, I had originally decided (as of last year) that the Prophecy would come true and the "Forgotten Lands" would sink beneath the ocean, killing those that chose not to believe.

Now this year (seeing as I'm writing the prequel) I'm wondering if the Prophecy may not have come true. And all those people that Adwenna left behind are actually alive and well, and wondering what become of her. Of course none of it will really matter yet unless I have some of Adwenna's family and friends go in search of her, and actually find her.

I really wish the Nano forums were up and running. Could really use some input right about now. I suppose it's a question best left for later.

Monday, October 8, 2007

October AKA Planning Month

So, it's obviously October, and I'm obviously, rather bored. If you can't already tell that by the mass of posts I've made these few days alone.

Planning is coming along ... would be coming along even better if the forums were up and running properly. Oddly enough, they seem to motivate me quite a bit. Lots of people with even more threads floating around full of juicy tidbits that make for interesting plotlines, assuming you can work them into your own particular novel.

Ah hopefully tomorrow will be a new day, full of forum-y goodness.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Storyline Development

So this years novel is coming along rather nicely, I think. The Dragons are at somewhat of a standstill, plot wise, but that's what the nano forums are for right?

Okay, faeries, well that plot is coming along nicely, and I'm currently working out some kinks that I've come across. At least in terms of faery lifespans and such.

So Very Late ... Or Is That Early?

So it's 12:37am in the morning. I have to work tomorrow. Joy. So this NaNo Planning will have to wait until a more accommodating hour of the day.

I have finally worked out my faeries though. Largely humanoid in their growth rates. Dragons are coming along. Storyline is dragging, but then it always does in the planning stages I've noticed. But if I get the characters organized and set, at least I have some kind of springboard to launch off come November.

Goodnight all.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Talk Of Dragons And Other Things

Sorry. Went a little Alice in Wonderland there with the title.

There really are dragons in my novel though.

Let's see... this year we have Bluemirror and Silverthorne. Along with Bluemirror's siblings, and mother most likely, making an appearance. Just got to work out the dates and things, or else there'll be no keeping it straight in my head.

The Image above is essentially what my dragons will look like. Colours and slight variations will happen. But you get the general gist. Anne McCaffrey actually did something useful.

My Word Document Is Staring At Me ... Is Yours?

Yes I'm evil. Oddly cynical, but really, my word document is staring at me. Has been for the past 30 minutes. Really got to get back and do some work, in the form of planning. Damn October, hurry up and become November. Then I won't have a need to procrastinate, and will probably have a whole heap of carbonated beverages to boot.

Now ... do I want food or something to drink. Seriously, this child in my belly is doing nothing for me. I'm slowly turning into a sloth. She's secretly evil, I can say that now, because she's not currently kicking me, which probably means she's asleep.

Okay, I think I've thoroughly weirded you all out. Now I'm going to go and write ... er plan some more.



Joy. I'm procrastinating, and I'm only entering the planning stage. Must be the boredom, and the fact that nobody else is here.

Oh well, back to the grindstone. Literally. Haha.


Yay! The Nano forums are back up and working.


So, working on the principle that faeries have actually been around since the beginning of time, and before 1CE. That means I've got a longer time line to play with. Which works very well in my favour.

Also ... if Faery was shifted off the natural timeline around about 1092, then any Fae born before that would be born, age and die, in human years. Right now I've got that straight in my head...

Planning and Timelines

Who would have thought that a relatively simply timeline would be my undoing? Okay, so its my own fault for last year, shifting time and all that. Evil. So Aoife's born and still living. Aoife's mother and grandmother on the other hand ... well I have names, just the dates are doing my head in. And they are the one's that come into play this year. The mother and grandmother, that is. I'm thinking Nerys for the Grandmother and Vidia for the Mother of Aoife. Tristyn and/or Innogen for her sibling/s.

Checking In

Well after half starting a journal last year on Myspace, I decided this year to actually chronicle my attempt for win #3 properly by beginning one here.

So while November is not yet underway, the planning is well underway. And is actually leading to quite a few problems. The joys of writing a prequel to something already written. This year, I'll be taking better notes. No wonder Neiderman can't ghostwrite for VC Andrews very well. He must lack the basic note taking skills.

Ciao for now. No doubt at some point today I will be back.