Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day Ten Through Twelve

Days 10, 11 and 12. Well none were quite as productive as previous days have been.

My final word count was 20,057 at the end of Day 12. I think I finally closed my eyes a little after midnight.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Day Nine

Day 9 was a horrible addition to Nano history. I doubt I've ever written so few words in my life.

At the end of it, my word count was sitting at 16,101 words. Dreadful.

Day Eight

Day 8 saw me reach 16,052, some 661 words shy of my own personal goal of 1,700 words per day. Ack!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day Seven

Day 7 saw me reach 15,013, right before eleven pm after cramming around 1,900 words into the span of an hour and a half. Never doing that again.

Day Six

Day 6 saw me reach 13,032 words, and surprisingly the story seems to be going along rather nicely, and its looking more and more like I could have enough planned to see me through to 50k.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day Five

Well Day 5 saw me reach 11,206 words. I didn't make my 1,700 word, word count as my little boy was sick. Hubby and I spent the majority of yesterday trying to make him better and prevent him from vomiting.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

10,026 Words

Just made it with minutes to spare. Go me!

Day Four

Day 4 is rapidly drawing to a close, and I'm currently sitting on 9779 words, and looking to reach 10,000 by the end of it.

Fingers crossed.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day Three

Well Day Three is over half way through, and my word count stands at, 6,840. Which is a nice comfy word count, I think. Looking to hit 7,000 words by the end of today, which will probably be nice and easy, no doubt.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Day Two

Well Day 2 is going well. I have written, 5,137 words, and am probably done for the day. That is if I can't get anymore done around 7 tonight. We shall see.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day One

My running total so far, is 2,744 words. I'm hoping to hit 3,000 words by the end of today, or possible more.